some folks drive the bears out of the wilderness, some to see a bear would pay a fee -
but me, i just bear up to my bewildered best, and some folks even see the bear in me
-Lyle Lovett

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

An ultra-caffeinated weekend

So... i don't ever remember how it started, tho i'm sure it had something to do with the ridiculously long fanfiction story that i'm in the middle of, but my sleeping schedule got severely fucked up. Severely. (and occasionally I think to myself, gee, my father and mother and uncle read this. maybe i shouldn't cuss. but, my parents know i cuss. So, uncle guy, sorry to burst any bubbles you may have retained about me, but i cuss often and have decided not to censor myself in this.) So i stayed up thursday? night kinda late, i guess? but i know that Friday "night" i didn't go to bed until 7.30 am. then i got up at noon, took a shower, and went back to bed. when i re-awoke at 6, i knew i had fucked myself over and would have to do something drastic to get my sleeping schedule back on track.

So, i ordered a pizza, and went out and bought 7 16oz energy drinks (of the redbull-esq variety), chocolate syrup, and a bag of cheetos. It is now 5.20pm Tuesday, and the last of my energy drinks has finally been drunk. I even have a few cheetos left. And I skipped my french class this morning. And came late to my film history class, because i was still writing my conclusion and printing it out as 3.30 rolled around. But now my paper is turned in, and my french homework is done.

I'm really glad there are only 2 weeks left of classes. I don't think i could manage any more, considering i'm obviously already burnt out. I've just reached that pivital moment in the quarter where I just don't care anymore. I try and rally my efforts, but my attempts so far have been futile. I will still try though. The last vestiges of my sickness are slipping away, so maybe it'll be easier to focus and not be so apathetic.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It doesn't bother me you use that word. What bothers me is you might know what it means.