some folks drive the bears out of the wilderness, some to see a bear would pay a fee -
but me, i just bear up to my bewildered best, and some folks even see the bear in me
-Lyle Lovett

Sunday, June 18, 2006

no love

for my blog, apparently.

nobody leaves me comments anymore. and i've been trying to be good and update more often. actually, the other day i had a giant entry all filled out to post and then my computer froze. which sucked. but i wasn't going to rewrite the entire thing. too bad for y'all, who are apparently n'y'all, as from you comments, there are none of you.

but. i'm back in seattle, after a not-very-relaxing break in alaska. it was really really nice to be home, but i definitely could have used another week there where i didn't have to do anything, instead of the one week i did have where i felt like i had too much shit to do. not really all that much, but more than i wanted to do on my one week of vacation.

and now i have new classes starting tomorrow. which i'm am getting re-excited about. yay for little classes. hopefully they'll be cool.

and also a pro/con of the summer is that i have no internet hookup in my apartment anymore. which is sad for my internet surfing, but probably a really good thing in the long run as maybe i'll be more done when i'm not constantly in from of the computer. and i can still check my email almost everyday- cuz i go to work and work on UW super-fast internet everyday. so i think it'll be good.

oh. and while i was on break, i got to see Jenn and Haley and Ben. but who did i see the most often? (besides my parents and the staff of Kaladi Brothers) thats right, Josh Northcutt. which was odd. but the Tim Sturm Band played at the Kenai river festival both days, so i saw him then, and then he was working at subway when i went in on thursday and friday, and saturday night i drove past him and waved as he was in the Kaladi Brother's parking lot. It would have been kind of fun to see them at Kaladis- see what they're like in a smaller venue. i think their original songs are all pretty good.

and Saturday night Haley and Lisa and I all went to the Crossing to eat and watch Ben play piano. the food was TaStY. i like steak. i really like new york strip steaks. i get them a lot. and that restaraunt was nice - good to have a decent nice restaraunt in soldotna again. And ben played well. good job, ben. Although, i think i've heard you play all but one of those songs before... but i'm sure if i played there i'd do the same thing.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand.... there's probably more i should say but this is getting long and i need to go buy toilet paper and ramen noodles.


Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry I haven't been making comments lately, but then, again, you didn't come to see me over the break.

Formula Guy said...

I try NOT to make many comments; if I did, I'd probably make so may typos it would wind up something I didn't mean to say. And... it was VERY nice having you home, even if for a short time.

Anonymous said...

hullo riley, it's amber....benson, i should mention, just to aviod any possible confusion.

i found your blog through lj and felt like i should let you know...not doing so would be stalkeriffic, i think.

i added you as an lj friend, so feel free to read my miscellenaous thoughts whenever you're in need of something to do.

Anonymous said...

hullo luv.
know why i dont comment?
because you NEVER BLOG!
i have given up even checking your blog, except for my once-a-month excursions to the bear den.
but know i still read, and i would still like to comment. you know, if you would update.
know what im excited about? YOU COMING HOME IN SEPTEMBER!
oh, the simple joys of life.
it was so good to see you on your break. talk to you soon!