some folks drive the bears out of the wilderness, some to see a bear would pay a fee -
but me, i just bear up to my bewildered best, and some folks even see the bear in me
-Lyle Lovett

Friday, June 09, 2006

ahh, seatac

i feel comfortable in airports. i know how things work. and there are signs everywhere telling you where to go and where to eat and where to take a shit. its nice. and people are continually things. all these things i like. what i do not like is the retarded water-fountains that sound like a bubbling brook or something. i want to shoot them. but i will refrain.

so. finals actually went ok. i wasn't as stressed out as i thought i would be, mostly because i forgot that i'm a terrible studier. i just don't do it. or i do it super efficiently, in like half the time that i planned for. so i did much more lazing about than i expected to.

and last night i went and saw Miiii(h)... which was ok. not the best movie i've ever seen, but certainly full of action. and tom cruise is just a giant bobble head man. whenever anyone asked him a question he didn't want to answer, he'd just bobble his head around, looking strained, instead of answering the question. then people would let him off the hook.

and lately i've been listening to C9 radio out of paris. La Connextion Pop Rock! its fun. i can't really understand what the people say yet, but i catch snippets of it. and they play slightly different pop stuff than you hear here, and the occasional song in french thats cool. everything is cooler in french.

ok. i think i'll take advantage of super-fast airport wifi in some other way now. bye!

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