some folks drive the bears out of the wilderness, some to see a bear would pay a fee -
but me, i just bear up to my bewildered best, and some folks even see the bear in me
-Lyle Lovett

Sunday, March 25, 2007

One more time

tomorrow i begin my final quarter of University of Washington undergraduate schooling. i'm taking 3 film classes, and working at APL.

I'm excited for classes to start, in the way that i'm usually excited for classes to start, but not much more than that. i guess i'm sad that this is kind of the end, but it still doesn't seem to be affecting me much.

Haley and her friend from Colorado, Katie, came to visit this past week. I hung out with them when i wasn't working and when they weren't drinking themselves into a stupor. it was really fun, but not particularly relaxing (which is why i've done absolutely nothing yesterday and today, and have enjoyed it immensely). We went shopping on tuesday and haley and i both spent lots of money. (your present was put to good use, lisa - i have 2 new lovely dresses from that trip.) Its nice to go shopping with someone who is as bad as it as you. and by "bad," i mean that she spends as much as me and gets the same ridiculous high from it, as opposed to Katie who lamented most of the day over spending $40 on one bra at VS. I know shopping is a weakness, and thats why i just dont let myself do it save a couple times a year. And i'd rather do it with friends. So, overall it was a good day. :)

And then a couple nights later we saw 300 and ate at an indian restaurant. both of those are firsts, at least in america. i really liked 300 - definitely a big screener - and its ability to suck me in. Though i do feel sorry for the boys who will suffer from women re-evaluating what they want in a man to include spartan manliness... Then when we ate indian food, i had the Butter Chicken (what a surprise, right?) extra mild. Which was a good thing - since by the end it was still a bit too hot for my liking. I am just not a fan of spicy-hot food. I like warm food, cooked food, spiced food, but i just don't see the appeal of having food create a burning sensation in your mouth. Its a masochistic tendency of humans that i just havent latched on to, and probably never will.

Oh, and haley got a tattoo (2, actually) that i drew around a pre-existing tattoo she had on her foot. Very flattering to me, and i hope that she continues to like it - especially once its been touched up like she wants. Bye now.


Formula Guy said...

I'm glad you got to enjoy some time with a friend you don't see that often..$$ is an ancillary concern at those times. In that, you are like your pater.

palaestrio said...

I rest assured only in the fact that I have the body of a Spartan warrior.

Anonymous said...

i like the tattoo more and more every day, actually. so continue to like it? yes i will.
it was really good to see you riley, drunken stupor or not. :)

Anonymous said...

Great post ! Glad you are excited about college. Did you get my invite to the weird food party march 31st ?

