some folks drive the bears out of the wilderness, some to see a bear would pay a fee -
but me, i just bear up to my bewildered best, and some folks even see the bear in me
-Lyle Lovett

Thursday, February 22, 2007

chomp chomp lyposuction ?

lately ive been noticing teeth. i like my teeth pretty well, they're really pretty straight, just one little bottom front tooth is noticeably twisted, but even then, not that bad. BUT - jesus christ, everyone now has PERFECT teeth. So even that small little twist makes me feel self conscious. And i just have to wonder what our kids will be like, as all kids now already have perfect teeth thanks to the very customary procedure of parents taking their kids to the orthodontist to have them medically make their mouths more beautiful. Well, scratch that, not all kids. Kids with money have perfect teeth. I can see this as being another thing that separates people who are really poor in america - i would feel so outcasted now with bad teeth, i cant even imagine what it will be like in 20 years. And it just seems like such an accepted and expected thing to go and have your teeth changed so they are all pretty and lined up perfectly that i can see more and more people turning to lyposuction/cosmetic surgeries because they've grown up thinking that medical "fixing" of your appearance is what is expected. it doesn't seem like a good thing for us in the long run. and my own mother is perpetuating the problem. geez, lisa. So. i'm going to be proud of my little crooked tooth. or try to be. and hope that my kids have naturally straight teeth so i dont have to get them orthodontically influenced into thinking that their appearance is merely a matter of medical finesse.

1 comment:

Formula Guy said...

On this, you & I are in total agreement.